
A soothing experience of flinging a jelly-like blob through a serene level, that serves as a playground rather than a challenge.

The player is free to color the surroundings to their liking while bouncing around slopes and squeezing through narrow gaps. The mostly organic level structure, visually inspired by the chemical process of reaction diffusion, lends itself to the flexibility of the Blob’s shape.

FOOMP aims at providing essential downtime from busy schedules and stressful experiences.


Production 05/2018 - 07/2018
Time 2 1/2 months
Engine Unity
Platform PC (Gamepad controls)
Team Vivian Kulkowski
Josephine Pallus
David Vivas Estevao



  • 2D Softbody faking approaches
  • Texture blending via shaders
  • Procedural tesselation of geometrical shapes
  • Gamepad Inputs and processing


Special Thanks to our coaches
Prof. Susanne Brandhorst and Prof. Thomas Bremer